Ever imagined a cigar based slurpee? This is what it it is. This combines the delectable aromas of freshly rolled Havana Cigars hailing from the island nation of Cuba, capturing the deliciously fragrant tobacco notes to be crossed with tasty nicotine salts.
Cuban Blend by NKD 100 Salt E-Liquid combines the delectable aromas of freshly rolled Havana Cigars hailing from the island nation of Cuba, capturing the deliciously fragrant tobacco notes to be crossed with tasty nicotine salts.
NKD 100 Salt E-Liquid - Cuban Blend Features:
- 30mL Unicorn Bottle
- Child Resistant Cap
- Nicotine Salts Formulation
- Crafted For Ultra-Low Wattage & Pod-Based Systems
- Made in USA
- Available in 35mg, 50mg