+92 342 4289244 , +92 304 9449595
Our Cavendish Tobacco, known as Sonata, is an aromatic and naturally sweet blend derived from dark ripe Virginia tobacco. The leaves undergo a centuries-old process involving precision priming, oak-barrel curing,...
Crafted from Virginia, Burley, and Oriental tobacco, our American Blend delivers an authentic experience that mirrors the taste of a classic cigarette, minus the smoke, tar, carbon monoxide, and other...
Kentucky Tobacco (Legato) offers an earthy and nutty flavor. This American cultivar is grown in Tuscany and fire-cured to release the plant’s natural resins, resulting in an undeniably robust and...
Our Virginia Tobacco, known as Prelude, delivers a mellow and mildly sweet taste. Grown in the sandy plains surrounding the Italian Alps, these Virginia tobacco leaves are expertly flue-cured. This...